A Minecraft Datapack library for handling energy systems, such as for Mechanization or SimplEnergy. This library manages the following:
This is an embedded library, so you package it inside your datapack as opposed to having a separate download. Requires LanternLoad to operate.
Note: Datapack Energy does not enforce any in-game notation for how energy is convayed, and in this document simply refers to energy in terms of 'units.' However, by convention real world units are most commonly used (kJ or kWh, kW).
These are scoreboard objectives used to represent a value of some kind.
Used for math, passing variables between functions, and storing a bit of data on a machine.
Cables' energy.data value is a binary encoded number indicating which sides are connected, ie:
63 -> 1 1 1 1 1 1 -> all sides are active
32 16 8 4 2 1
This can be used to update the model to display connections when
function #energy:v1/cable_update is triggered.
Indicates how much power is stored in this machine.
Typically a 'generator' type machine will increase this number to create power,
and a consuming machine will subtract from this number to use power.
Indicates the max power stored in this machine.
Indicates how much power a machine or cable can transfer. Should be positive on all
machines *and* cables. Set to max 32-bit integer for unlimited transfer.
Cables are network limited, so if 3 machines have 50 units of energy (total 150 units)
and cables can transfer a total of 100 units, then 2 machines will be emptied to 0, but
the remaining machine will have 50 units left over.
The rate of a network is limited by the lowest tier cable.
This is a computed score equal to the change in power of machine, after
transfering. That is, if a Machine has 50 units of power, then generates 25 units (total
75 units), then sends all 75 units to a battery, this score is equal to -50 units
(it started at 50 units and ended with 0 units: 0 - 50 = -50).
This score is provided as a convienent source of data and should not be changed manually.
These are tags (added throught the /tag command) that mark entities as being something, or as needing to do something.
Enables a machine to send energy (ie. a generator)
Enables a machine to receive energy (ie. a consumer of power)
A storage medium (ie. battery) can have both send and receive.
Batteries do not transfer power between each other to avoid infinite loops.
Machines will transfer energy when adjacent, without the need for cables.
Indicates object is a cable, and should connect machines.
Function calls are called by you to trigger certian events or features.
function energy:v1/api/init_cable
Call on a new cable to initialize its connections
function energy:v1/api/init_machine
Call on a new machine to initialize its connections
function energy:v1/api/break_cable
Call on a cable when broken to remove its connections
function energy:v1/api/break_machine
Call on a machine when broken to remove its connections
Failure to call these breaking functions has negative side-effects
like machines remaining in the same network without being connected.
Make sure to call these when needed!
function energy:v1/api/modify_player_energy
Call on a player to add or remove power from items stored in their inventory.
Items must be using the required NBT format (see below), and are ignored if they
are stacked (+2 items). It is recommended that 'inventory batteries' be unstackable.
This treats the entire inv as a single pool of energy, and cannot target specific
items in the player's inv.
#player.in energy.data -> amount of energy to add (+) or remove (-)
#player.out energy.data <- 0 for failed to modify energy, 1 for suceeded.
Functions tags are called by Datapack Energy to inform you an event has happened, and to allow you to make changes to the event. To use these calls, you must add a function to the tag list.
function #energy:v1/cable_can_connect
Executed as and at a machine.
Used to disable cables connecting to a machine from certain sides.
#cable.in energy.data -> 0-5 indicating direction (up, down, north, south, east, west)
#cable.out energy.data -> 1 for can connect, 0 for cannot connect
function #energy:v1/cable_update
Called as and at a cable when an update is trigged, such as a machine being placed next to it.
Intended use is to update the cable's model, but can be used for other updates.
function #energy:v1/energy_update
Called as and at a machine when its energy storage value is changed. Can be used to altar visual
effects that show energy storage, or manipulate other data related to energy storage.
function #energy:v1/update_energy_item
Called as a player when an item has been modified by the modify_player_energy function.
The Item will be in storage at energy:temp list[0] - Modify this as needed (such as adding Lore
specifying how much energy is stored in the item).
These are NBT data specifications for items, storage, or entities that hold special data.
Items that store power use the following format.
These can supply power when 'modify_player_energy' is called:
folder into your data packDatapackEnergy/data/load/tags/functions/load.json
and your own data/load/tags/functions/load.json
For easier mangament of dependencies, check out my project Datapack Build Manager.