Greenery is an extensive datapack that adds a lot of farming and fishing related features. With additions to bees, fishing, crops and flowers the pack has lot of features to explore!
Butterflies can be found in many different biomes ranging from flower forests to groves to birch forests. They can be cought with butterfly nets and placed in jars and display cases!
Greenhouses can be found in dark oak forests and contain many plants from all around the world. Whether it's cacti, pink petals or glow berry bushes, you can find it there! Maybe even some loot?
With the fishing net, 4 new fishes, worms, and updates to fishing loot tables Greenery has got everything you want from fishing.
Greenery adds 2 new flower pots, hanging flower pots and wide flower pots. They can hold all plants that vanilla flower pots can!
And with the Beekeeper, a brand new enchantment, Royal Jelly, Seed Assortments and more, Greenery has a lot to offer.