When wearing an elytra and carrying firework rockets, you can easily escape danger as soon as it arises. To counter this, when certain mobs or players hit you, you will start limping and won't be able to activate your elytra for 10 seconds. Additionally, you won't be able to perform critical hits during this period. This discourages players from entering battles with their elytra equipped. Furthermore, players can be shot down when flying with the elytra. If hurt in flight, they will plummet down from their height.
Zombies will inflict the Hunger effect with every hit, causing you to lose 3 drumsticks. When you approach creepers, they will slow you down and prevent you from taking off as well. Spiders can now trap you in their cobwebs when attacking.
Compatible with the Elytra Slot and with Icarus.
This datapack is inspired by the mob mechanics found in True Survival.