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Stellarity is a data pack which heavily rehauls The End, giving it new terrain shapes, biomes, as well as items and weapons and even new mechanics.

Instead of following a usual theme of a 'Minecraft: Dungeons' styled expansion or making it an alien-like dimension, Stellarity mixes the usual motif of a desolate dimension with themes of strong magic and fantasy.


Note: this section was updated to reflect what the 1.21 version has to offer.

Terrain Generation


No shaders so that you can see it clearer.

A total of 23 new biomes has been added, including 4 rehauled vanilla end biomes (technically only two of them since the other two serve no purpose in vanilla).

Biomes in Stellarity can be divided into 4 categories:

  • Fields - open and mostly covered with grass.
  • Barrens - usually hilly and desolate, feautiring a low variety of blocks in their generation.
  • Forests - well, it's a forest... really not much to say here.
  • Frozen - sub-variants of existing biomes, featuring a sad white color palette, or in other words just frozen.

The screenshot above shows 3 biomes: in the front are Crystal Crags (barrens), on the right right is The Nest (also barrens), behind them there are End Midlands (fields), in the center there are Ender Wastes (barrens) and far back there are End Wilds (fields). Look into the image gallery for more biome showcases.


Islands are also no longer bound to one Y level, meaning that the terrain shape has a huge variety of shapes.



Right after defeating the Ender Dragon, the Altar of The Accursed awakens. It is a powerful crafting station used to craft late-game gear added by Stellarity. It doesn't have a GUI and is used by simply tossing the right amount of ingredients on top of it. There is no JEI support for the recipes yet, but you can refer to the wiki for most recipes.

I don't actually know how many items Stellarity introduces, I didn't count them, but there are at least 40 different new items for you to find and have fun with. This number includes new potion variants, food items, weapons and even 4 new armor sets with their own effects and set bonuses.

I tried to balance them both in between vanilla standards as well as making them meaningful in heavily modded scenarios where there would be plenty of bosses to defeat.

If the weapon abilities don't feel vanilla, that's because they aren't supposed to - most of them were inspired by games like Terraria, meaning that they don't follow the one-dimensional design MC weapons have, that being just click and damage.



Stellarity isn't just all about world generation and gear - it also adds many mechanics to The End unique in their own ways.

Shown above is what I like to call Cauldron crafting - tossing a bottle of Dragon's Breath into a Water cauldron dilutes it and allows for crafting of items via tossing them into the Cauldron. There are more than a dozen of recipes for it, most of them revolving around new food items or potions that combine effects.

Those recipes aren't in the recipe book, and JEI doesn't work for them. It is planned to add some instructions as to how craft those items in 1.21.4, but for now you can view everything here.

Stellarity also adds Void Fishing! Cast your Fishing Rod anywhere into the air below you in The End (but not directly into The Void - no fish dare to swim that low) and wait until something bites your hook! Almost every End biome has its own loot table with a variety of items you can catch in the process, including (but not limited to!) a few new types of fish.

Other smaller mechanics which aren't really that notable:

  • Elytras produce small trails while flying. They can be customized with all 16 of vanilla Dyes on the Altar of The Accursed, each having a unique trail. Combine with a Water Bucket to remove applied dye.

Let me know if you'd want to see compatibility with other mods that add dyes! It was fun designing all of the trails and I'll gladly do some more if requested.

  • Tridents with Loyalty return to the player when falling into the void. Because why was it even possible to lose them that way.
  • Totems of Undying save players from falling into The Void. Players will be teleported 200 blocks upwards and will be granted the Slow Falling effect to make sure they can land safely.
  • Lingering Potions have been heavily buffed. Not going to go into number stuff because nobody likes that, but now they REALLY are lingering.
  • End Crystals can now be destroyed with left click. This will cause them to drop in their item form. Sneak and break them to instead to make them explode.

This can be disabled in the per-world config if wanted.

  • Throwing certain items into the water in The Hallow biome will slowly transform them into a completely different item! The are a lot of possible transmutations and most of them work both ways, making some materials farmable or obtainable in an easier way.
  • Eyes of Ender thrown in The End point towards the nearest End Gateway, which can be quite handy for returning home.
  • Probably a few smaller changes I forgot about.

Endermen drop Chorus Fruit in the Overworld in place of Ender Pearls. I honestly don't remember why I changed it.

Apart from Endermen, The End also features a new list of mobs that can spawn in their Voided variants. They are stronger than then regular counterparts, posing a greater threat to unprepared explorers.


The Ender Dragon fight has been reworked entirely, making it feel more like an actual bossfight while trying to stay true to its vanilla feel. It has more health and some native armor points, meaning it takes reduced damage. Crystals have also been reworked - Dragon is invulnerable for as long as at least one exists and is no longer healed by them. It also got a few new attacks to spice up the difficulty. When brought down to 1 HP, Dragon lands on the exit portal and waits for the player to deliver the final blow. Was it necessary to add that? Nope, but it sure is climactic.


Looking for a challenge? Head to The Hallow and search for the Chapel of Light. You can summon the Empress of Light there...

And that's where I am going to cut this part. Please don't fight this boss. It's due to a rework for more than a year now. It's bad. But I promise it's going to be amazing once I finally get to reworking her. And yes, she was heavily inspired by Terraria. In case it wasn't obvious enough.



Strongholds have been redesigned completely. The walls of this fortress are home to the Illagers who guard the End Portals.


They are about 5x larger and feature huge amounts of the aforementioned Illagers who can also drop a few new items that might help you while fighting the Ender Dragon.


End Cities have been redesigned from ground up in order to increase their difficulty and reinforce their position of endgame structures. Inspired by Trial Chambers, they are filled with Trial Spawners which spawn upgraded versions of the Overworld mobs and drop keys used to open Vaults. Just in case the City Trials weren't difficult enough, almost every tower contains a protective End Crystal which prevents nearby players from both placing and breaking blocks.


Both large and functional structures as well as small ambient ones have also been scattered across The End to give it some more life, lore and personality. Because it badly needed those. Yes, that is a Village in The End. Yes, Villagers sell different things there.


  • 🎨 There is an optional resource pack for Stellarity. It isn't required at all, but it allows all new items to have custom textures. Click HERE to download it.

Note: starting from 1.21.4, it will be necessary to get the resource pack in order for Stellarity to function correctly. Note 2: mod JARs already have it embedded, so if you are using the JAR package, you can ignore the last few sentences.

  • ❗ Adding it to an already existing world requires you to reset The End (or just make a new world).
  • ⚙️ The pack has a small per-world config available under /function stellarity:_cmd/configuration.

Datapacks cannot have global configs. If you are a modpack creator and would like to tweak the default values on all worlds (including disabling the join message), you can download this addon, where you can edit the default config values and load them globally using a mod for that, e.g. Paxi or any of its alternatives.

  • ❌ Stellarity items do not show up in the creative menu. I might implement that one day, but for now, please do either /loot give @s loot stellarity:items/<item> or /function stellarity:_cmd/give/<category>.
  • 🌐 Since Stellarity is only a datapack packaged as a mod this means that it is fully server-sided. This makes vanilla clients able to join servers running Stellarity, but also makes it unable to add any new blocks and actual items. I also don't have enough time to learn Java and get into proper modding, altough a proper mod port is being worked by some people on my Discord server.
  • 🎵 By default, Stellarity doesn't come with its music. You can download an additional resource pack which contains all new music tracks HERE.

Looking for a server?

Need a server to play Stellarity with your friends? Don't know how to set one up? Click on the banner below to rent an already configured server from Bisect Hosting. Bisect's panel is incredibly simple to use and it only takes a few clicks to get everything setup. By using code kohara during checkout, you can get a 25% discount on your first month!

By renting a server for yourself using my code, you're supporting my work as well!

Bisect Hosting

Multiplayer Installation

Make sure to set enable-command-blocks in to true.

There is a bug where the Altar of The Accursed often doesn't load at all on servers. You can do /function stellarity:cmd/generate_end_island_features to generate it manually. This is a very peculiar bug which I was unable to fix as it never happened on any of my Singleplayer test worlds.

If the exit portal from vanilla generates overlapping the Stellarity's one, turn off your server and delete only the DIM1 folder found inside world (world_the_end if on older versions of Paper), then turn it on again. After it is finished loading, run the command from earlier to generate missing island features.

Mod Compatibility

I can't test compatibility with every mod out there. If you know that Stellarity is causing issues with a particular mod, make sure to report it to me so I can include it on this list.

  • 🟢 Nullscape - you can download compatibility addon HERE. Available for 1.21+.
Fully incompatible
  • 🔴 BetterEnd - causes a huge amount of of micro-biomes to generate scattered around the dimension. It also makes some small changes that break some of the workarounds I need to do in order to make this data pack work. For context, doing some of the stuff I'm doing is repeatedly hitting the game with a baseball bat and joining it with super glue.
  • 🔴 YUNG's Better End Island - there is really no way to make these 2 projects compatible since they both handle the main island changes in different ways. Compatibility is planned for 1.21.4 and onwards.
  • 🔴 Any mod/datapack which grants players all recipes upon joining the world (unless you can disable that feature specifically).
Partially incompatible
  • 🟡 Quark - make sure to disable unlocking all recipes in the config.
  • 🟡 Enlightend - I've had reports that Stellarity's biome take priority over Englithend's, making the latter unable to generate. You can fix it by manually editing Stellarity's the_end.json file. Just simply replace some biomes (preferably ones that look similar to the one you want to replace them with!) with Enligthend's biomes and you should be good to go. It might take a few attempts to get it perfectly and not create micro-biomes.
  • 🟡 End's Phantasm - same problem as Enligthend which can be fixed the same way.
  • 🟡 JEI - like I stated, Stellarity is only a datapack packaged as a mod, so its items will not show up in JEI's recipe and/or loot browser.
  • 🟡 Spellbound Weapons - Endlight Bow and End Excalibur will not generate in End City chests. I am thinking of a way to make them do so as intended.
Optional use
  • 🟣 CIT Resewn - applies some additional textures to things like Elytra variants and fixes the issue where new armor sets break with shaders. Both of those will be fixed in 1.21.4+.
  • 🟣 Fabric Skybixes - adds a new skybox everywhere in The End.
  • 🟣 Entity Texture Features - gives all new end mob variants their own textures.

Screenshot credits

  • Dat1Mexican
  • Opliz
  • Meee :3


Supporting me keeps me motivated to work on stuff. Because logically speaking, I could be doing better and more important stuff.

All donators are given the ability to uniquely customize the visual/sound effects of one item in Stellarity to their own liking. Every player on a server will be able to see them! Donators also gain access to updates before they are posted publicly and also a complimentary role in our Discord server.

Example Item Customisation

What you can customize:

  • Particles
  • Sounds
  • Extra effects (e.g. particles while held)

What you cannot change:

  • Item texture
  • Item description

Huge thanks to all of my supporters! <3

Ko-Fi subscribers:

  • MCDoomCraft
  • cplgiroro9
  • Bosman
  • Imadumdum
  • Triboy21
  • Earl

Server boosters:

  • theammir
  • CSS Scripter
  • NatesPlayzzzVA
  • Steffo
  • Donoah
  • LeonJD
  • Shadownite7
  • `Victor

Copyright © 2024 Smithed
Not an official Minecraft product. Not approved by or associated with Mojang Studios