Ultimate Weapons introduces powerful and highly customizable items for Minecraft 1.21.4+ that draws inspiration from major Minecraft servers, especially Hypixel, and aims to minimize performance impact by avoiding the use of tick functions.
To obtain an UWS item, simply run this command:
/function uws:get_item/<item_name>
Currently, there are 12 available items, and more unique ones will be coming in future updates. All items are now only obtainable through commands, so as to give server admins full control over how items are distributed and utilized, allowing them to adapt items to gameplay without directly affecting mechanics through predefined recipes.
For the documentation of all UWS items, visit this page.
UWS items are driven by UWS effects that are customizable and independent, meaning the effects are not bound to a specific item and you have full control over their application, making things possible like stacking as many effects as you like onto an item. These effects are usually triggered through enchantments, advancements, or consumable
components. Each UWS item is associated with a unique UWS effect. Visit this page for the full documentation of all UWS effects.
To customize an UWS item / effect, first use this command:
/function uws:get_item_config/<item_name>
This will give you two command blocks with name <item_name> Template
and <item_name> Modifier
. The <item_name> Template
block is responsible for giving you an UWS item whose effects can be altered by changing its field values, while the <item_name> Modifier
lets you modify the effects of your held item.
The <effect_name>
refers to the effect that will apply to this item; in this case, it is the effect that the UWS item is associated with. You can customize it by editing the value
of specific fields in the object. A complete list of effect fields and their details can be found on the wiki.
Once you've finished editing, activate the command block to receive the customized version of the target UWS item.
This is similar to above. Modify the value
of a given field in the object, then activate it to apply the changes to your held item's effect. This also ensures the item gains the necessary trigger to activate the effect.
[!NOTE] Customization will only work if all arguments of the effect are complete and correctly formatted. Missing or incorrectly formatted arguments could result in all values falling back to their default ones when triggering the effect.
To apply an UWS effect to your held item, use the command below:
/function uws:set_effect/<effect_name>
If you're not sure which effect is associated with which item, use this command to get the effect info of your held item:
/data get entity @s SelectedItem.components.minecraft:custom_data.uws_effects
Ban an UWS effect:
/function uws:ban_effect/<effect_name>
This will prevent the effect from being triggered. For blocks or items that are consumable, this also cancels their placement or consumption.
Unban an UWS effect or clear banlist:
/function uws:unban_effect/<effect_name>
/function uws:unban_effect/all
Whether or not you have permission, you can use this command to view available options and adjust settings such as language, cooldown displays, and more:
/trigger uws_options
Add set <number>
at the end of the command to target a specific option.
/kill @e[tag=!uws.persistent]
instead) or removing all forceloaded chunks in the overworld./function uws:unload
to remove all traces left by it.
Ultimate Weapons supports the following languages (covering text messages and UWS item lores):
To switch between them, use the following commands:
Set default language:
/function uws:language/default/<lang>
Set your preferred language:
/function uws:language/prefer/<lang>
*The language for item lores may not update immediately after switching.