Turn Minecraft into a Zombie Apocalypse!
Summon a Wandering Trader by using an Emerald on a Bell.
A small lightweigth datapack that implements a middle point between Survival and Hardcore. With limited lives that sync with your max health. And a totem failure rate, as a nerf. Highly configurable.
Fish up books and leggings enchanted with swift sneak in ancient cities! The rates are really low, as this is meant to be a last resort to make swift sneak renewable.
A simple datapack to add Stonecutter recipes to swap between the stripped and unstripped versions of wood.
A reworked fishing loot table system in Minecraft, with a progression system, custom enchantments for new mechanics, and many more fish items! (Images broken until fixed)
Dyeable and upgradeable vanilla-friendly backpacks!
Get both the height of an entity's eye anchor position and total hitbox height!
Overhauled Nether with lava rivers and more
Tamed Potatoes by @JaegerwaldDev and @SwitchedCube
Minecraft datapack library for handling custom furnace recipes with advanced NBT / component support!
A Minecraft data pack library for handling custom ore generation by using a smart system for ore location.
Minecraft datapack that handles a golf ball, its inputs and physics.
Minecraft datapack that modifies mob scales randomly between a minimum and maximum value
Villagers sell you their hats
This datapack adds custom enchantments and a new way of obtaining them
A Minecraft Datapack adding a small collection of utilities for interecting with redstone.
Copyright © 2024 Smithed
Not an official Minecraft product. Not approved by or associated with Mojang Studios