Place anything next to your enchanting table!
Datapack that adds more Ocean Content
Adds a variety of new cooking mechanics to Minecraft! Making cooking in Minecraft more immersive is something I've always wanted to do and this is the beginning of the culmination of many ideas. Much stuff to come in the future.
Create Elevators with Wool and Endstone to traverse the world vertically with ease!
I made baby mobs cuter
A small lightweigth datapack that implements a middle point between Survival and Hardcore. With limited lives that sync with your max health. And a totem failure rate, as a nerf. Highly configurable.
An extensive data pack that adds modular settlement construction, loose story, and much more! Designed to add but not detract from standard Minecraft gameplay.
A floating sand island for SkyBlock that simplifies progression
Explore Nullscape biomes in a void world! This pack adds compatibility between the SkyBlock and Nullscape Datapacks.
Tamed Potatoes by @JaegerwaldDev and @SwitchedCube
More Apples is a simple data pack that modifies all leaves loot tables to add twice as many apples as vanilla oak leaves.
[For 1.20] Essence RPG adds experiment-based character progression. Collect new experience types to power up yourself and your gear, then test your might against stronger foes!
Stardust Fragment is a very advanced Adventure & Technology data pack created to add a very special experience to the game.
V-Paxels uses the new component capabilities to add craftable and functional paxels and some extra Loot for Trial Chambers
Official Halloween Event pack for the Smithed SMP. Battle the creatures of the night to collect candy, decorations and spooky costumes! Multiplayer friendly with configurable spawn timing.
Explore a larger nether in a void world! This pack adds compatibility between the SkyBlock and Amplified Nether Datapacks.
Functionally disables boosting elytra flight with fireworks.
A data pack for Minecraft which allows setting custom stack sizes for ANY item, utilizing the Beet ecosystem
Adds 4 new Dimensions that can be accessed independently, or serve as an Expansion Pack for New in Town.
Mobs don't Burn in the Sun
Copyright © 2024 Smithed
Not an official Minecraft product. Not approved by or associated with Mojang Studios